A Game Theoretic Approach to Ad-hoc Coalitions in Human-Robot Societies (workshop paper)
Published in the AAAI Workshop: Multiagent Interaction without Prior Coordination, MIPC, 2016
As robots evolve into fully autonomous agents, settings involving human-robot teams will evolve into humanrobot societies, where multiple independent agents and teams, both humans and robots, coexist and work in harmony. Given such a scenario, the question we ask is - How can two or more such agents dynamically form coalitions or teams for mutual benefit with minimal prior coordination? In this work, we provide a game theoretic solution to address this problem.We will first look at a situation with full information, provide approximations to compute the extensive form game more efficiently, and then extend the formulation to account for scenarios when the human is not totally confident of its potential partner’s intentions. Finally we will look at possible extensions of the game, that can capture different aspects of decision making with respect to ad-hoc coalition formation in human-robot societies.