Homepage of Vamsi Meduri

I am a Staff Research Scientist in the Databases and Storage Group at the IBM Almaden Research Center. My interests lie at the intersection of AI/ML and database engines. My current focus is on query processing and optimization in lakehouse systems. I graduated with a Ph.D from Arizona State University where I worked in the Data Systems Lab under the supervision of Prof. Mohamed Sarwat.

Recent News

  • [10/17/2023] A research paper titled “ALFA: Active Learning for Graph Neural Network-based Semantic Schema Alignment” was accepted in The VLDB Journal: Special issue on Machine Learning and Databases 2023.
  • [09/01/2023] Received best reviewer award for the VLDB 2023 PhD Workshop.
  • [05/23/2022] Started employment at the IBM Almaden Research Center.
  • [05/12/2022] Successfully defended my Ph.D dissertation on “Human-in-the-Loop Machine Learning Systems for Data Integration and Predictive Analytics”. Here is my acknowledgement thanking everyone who supported me through my doctoral studies.
  • [03/23/2022] A research paper on “ML-aware Spatial Re-partitioning” was accepted in ICDE 2022.
  • [08/15/2021] A poster paper titled “GEM: An Efficient Entity Matching Framework for Geospatial Data” was accepted in ACM SIGSPATIAL 2021.
  • [08/13/2021] Completed a summer internship in the Database Group at the IBM Almaden Research Center under the mentorship of Abdul Quamar, Chuan Lei, Xiao Qin and Berthold Reinwald.
  • [12/09/2020] A research paper on “Evaluation of ML Algorithms in Predicting the Next SQL Query from the Future” was accepted in ACM TODS 2021.
  • [09/11/2020] Completed a summer internship in the Database Group at the IBM Almaden Research Center. Thanks to my mentors, Abdul Quamar, Chuan Lei, Vasilis Efthymiou, and my manager, Fatma Özcan, for an enriching learning experience.
  • [11/25/2019] A research paper on “Active Learning for Entity Matching” was accepted in SIGMOD 2020.
  • [11/07/2019] A research paper on “Mining Expressive Rules in Knowledge Graphs” was accepted in JDIQ 2019.
  • [08/08/2019] Completed the two year long collaboration between SRP & CASCADE @ ASU on the data reconciliation of diverse electric schemata.
  • [06/05/2019] Presented my research work on query workload prediction at CASCADE-AMEX Big Data Deep Dive.
  • [01/02/2019] A short paper on “RNNs for User Intent Prediction during Data Exploration” was accepted in EDBT 2019.